Sabtu, Maret 10, 2012

Empire Earth Art of Conquest

Empire Earth Art of Conquest

Empire Earth merupakan game RTS yang terbilang sangan jadul sekali. Game ini memberikan nuansa peperangan dramatis dari zaman purbakala hingga zaman modern. Game ini terbilang mudah dalam pengontrolan tentaranya, meskipun terdapat banyak tentara didalamnya.

Jumat, Maret 09, 2012

Flip Book Maker v2.8.1

Flip Book maker v2.8.1

Ncesoft Flip Book Maker is a software that can be used to convert pdf files to magazine, pdf to Flipbook, create your own professional and gorgeous page, create digital magazines, digital newspapers, electronic magazines, digital catalogs, wedding magazine, catalog companies, and other .

Banner Designer Pro 5.1

Banner Designer Pro 5.1
Banner Designer Pro 5.1 is software to make banner. Don't worry, if you do not have the ability to graphically design, because you still can make a banner according to your desire. Interface of the software is fairly easy to understand. This software is suitable for new bloggers who want to promote his blog, you can use this software to create a banner on your blog, it is also very beneficial for advertisers who do not have a good graphical design skills.

Selasa, Maret 06, 2012

Android Programming

Sekedar post buat anda yang ingin belajar pemrograman android. Ini saya dapat juga dari googling ksana kemari, akhirnya dapat juga yang ini. Lumayan lengkap juga buat belajar, apalagi ada contoh-contoh yang dapat kita pelajari.

Senin, Maret 05, 2012

Android Network


Android smartphones are assumed to have been connected to the Internet or network. This connection can be shaped Wifi or Edge / HDSPA.

Android provides the facility to communicate internet applications ranging from high level such as a web browser to the raw socket. Library is also provided for the protocols HTTP, HTTPS, XMPP, TCP / IP and SMTP.